143. Polar

Name: ??????????
Nicknames/Aliases: Polar

Age: 28
Birthday: November 6th

Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay

Height: 6'5

Species: Polar Bear Hybrid
Race/Ethn/Nat/Etc.: N/A
Abilitie(s): Enhanced Strength, Control ice, can freeze water around him, uses his power to make ice spikes and encase enemy feet in ice

Occupation: Aster Member
Division: Red/Lower Aster
Subdivision: Gaia
Team: Polaris
Rank: 246

Family: Mother, Father, Younger sister

Relationships: Blizz (Team leader), Jam (coworker, likes),

Likes: Sweets, Steak, Sushi, People,
Dislikes: Summer,


  • His real name is...*a truck goes past and drowns out his voice* but everyone calls him Polar
