118. Farhan Gain

Name: Farhan Gain
Nicknames/Aliases: Gain,

Age: Adult, Physically 32
Birthday: May 23rd

Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Asexual

Height: 6'

Species: Ashia, Purative Human (Previously)
Race/Ethn/Nat/Etc: Indian

Occupation: Head Ashia

Family: N/A

Relationships: The Grand (boss), Marigold (annoying kid), Enjax (coworker), Rean (coworker), Previous Lumen Ashia (coworker, good friend)



  • He is trans
  • His name was originally Jrin Grid this was changed due to it being a nonsense name from when I was 14 and didn't properly reflect that he was indian
