
Mocha is a steadfast and very logic based man who tends to do things by the book and dislikes it when things don't match up to what he knows, growing up in a place of worship that he rarely left he's quite sheltered. Still while he may not like it he'll try to adjust his perspective based on new information, especially as he takes in all the good and bad of the world he's never seen before, though he may have difficulty with it because of his past inexperience. Despite his journey to see the world he's still an introvert by nature and is anxious around others, though it doesn't show on his face, though not much does, and tends to shy away from people especially crowds as he can get quite overwhelmed.


Born and raised in Murra, at a young age Mocha was left on his own and was found by the head of the local place of worship and taken in and raised there. Growing up Mocha's introverted nature and focus on his studies and desire to help around as to not be a burden, he heard the rumors about him, he saw the way people stared at his horns, lead to him rarely leaving the building and only interacting with the world through the literature available to him. On his deathbed the head told Mocha to go out and see the world, to live and find things that made him happy, things that made him sad, things that made him happy that he could feel sad over them. So wanting to respect his last wishes Mocha left to journey around.

At some point in his life Mocha began to see a man, which he soon discovered was a spiritual projection of his biological father, Coffee, who now is accompanying him on his journey wanting to spend time with his son. Shortly after starting his journey, when arriving in the capital city/region of Hedelma, Mocha ends up meeting a sex worker named Honey and befriending him who decides to join Mocha on his journey.



Mocha's first friend, not just out in the world but in general. While originally their realtionship was a bit of an adjustment as Mocha had never really met a sex worker before the two become good close friends and perhaps there's something else there.


His father who now can't seem to stop annoying him. Mocha is basically the only person who can see his dad's spiritual projection with some exceptions which he finds extra grating as he can't even respond back a lot of the time to his fathers pestering. On one hand he does seem to be bonding with his father somewhat and growing a relationship with him, however on the other he's still quite bitter about the way he was abandoned as an infant and he only now just appears, though the reason why his father was unable to take care of him is something he doesn't know.


Mocha doesn't understand what this guy's deal is, he's apparently the rumored executioner and he just appeared one day trying to kill him. Attempts to communicate with this guy have been futile.



  • Annoying people
  • Bitter food and drink

Design Notes  

Mocha's design is inspired by relgious clothing, mesoamerican patterning, and baristas and cafe art.


  • He is 5'8
  • Mocha as a character has existed before I decided to make characters based on food all in one world, in fact he's one of my earliest OCs, in some early iterations of his character he was a slime person. He also originally paired with the character Karrol though the two are now in completely different universes.
