021. Ash Jensen

Name: Ash Jensen

Age: 21
Birthday: March 23rd

Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'7

Species: Human
Race/Ethn/Nat/Etc.: Black American

Occupation: Art School College Student

Family: Mother, Older brother, 3 younger brothers

Relationships: Pierre Ayton (childhood and best friend), 5 unnamed friends

Likes: Drawing, Parties, Rabbits and hares, Anime, Sliced pears, Horror Games,
Dislikes: Meat (she's vegan), Orange juice, being called Ashley (her full name is Ash)

Ash is a lively and excitable woman. She always tries to look on the bright side. She's a thrill seeker and enjoys new experiences.

  • She is based off the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland
  • She is associated with the color red (and the color pink a bit)
  • Her hat was made by Pierre
  • She has a fursona, it's a hare
